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三洋半导体分立元器件, 发动机驱动产品及非晶硅太阳电池等 计1200种产品

三洋半导体株式会社将从2010年3月11日起开始在RS Components(总公司: 日本神奈川县横滨市, 代表取缔役社长: 兵頭 克邦)所运营的”RS ONLINE”网上销售计1200种半导体产品。

三洋半导体代理商此次在”RS ONLINE”上介绍的分立元器件中, 除了有采用三洋半导体独自技术达成的用于电源电池管理的MOSFET系列(具有业界最高水准的低导通电阻特性, 并实现了小型薄型大功率), 低压驱动闪光用IGBT产品以外, 还包括低饱和电压射频应用各种双极晶体管产品。通过驱使三洋代理商的独自核心技术, 我们在多领域为您提供理想的选择: 最适于数字AV设备及手机设计的高性能Power&RF分立元器件, 小型高效率高功能的发动机驱动产品, 及非晶硅太阳电池等。
其中新开发的MOSFET「ATPAK」系列, 以其最小最薄化设计达成了业界最大额定电流100A, 实现了超低导通电阻(4.3mΩ)。除了应用于平板电视及照明以外, 还适用于电脑及各种电动工具设计,可实现大电流和低功耗。

我们将继续扩充产品阵容, 不断完善对顾客的服务, 包括对应小LOT并强化当日出货可能的Web销售服务等。



We, in the SANYO Electric Group, have dedicated ourselves to our vision of "Think GAIA" with our keywords being "Sustainability" and "Symbiotic Evolution" As such, our aim is to act as a corporate group to help create a society appreciative of the Earth and life; in other words, a prosperous and comfortable society in which the global environment is protected.

The SANYO Semiconductor Group, of which we are a part, develops innovative products, such as resource-saving ultra-small transistors, unique hard-wired logic ICs and thick film ICs, which contribute to the miniaturization and the reduction in power consumption of electronic devices. As a result, the market is provided with many convenient and enjoyable electronic devices.

In production, we have also been putting all our efforts into reducing our environmental burden.

It is likely that digital and analog integration technology will play important roles in future electronic fields. The SANYO Semiconductor Group is continuing to develop products in its specialized field integrating analog and digital systems. This is especially important in the digital age.

One of our strengths is our wide range of analog-digital products, such as our unique Bi-CMOS IC and analog-digital mixed IC. These are used for audio, video and automotive devices.

Turning to semiconductor applications, the Jisso technology, developed in Japan, has caught the attention of people all around the world. This technology is used in mobile devices, where integration is rapidly progressing, and in the automotive field, where usage conditions are tough. We have developed a large number of elemental technologies for advanced Jisso, such as through-hole electrode technology that enables ultra high density module technology and next-generation three-dimensional mounting, which have evolved from our proven packaging technology. Currently we hold the position of industry leader and are continuing to grow.

The SANYO Semiconductor Group is quick to detect changes in the diversified electronics market. Applying our unique analog-digital and Jisso technologies, we contribute to our customers, businesses through reliable product development, production, shipping and quality.

We appreciate your ongoing support and are committed to meeting your needs.


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